Mike Kasongo Reflecting

Mike Kasongo Reflecting


My name is Mike Kasongo. My body of artistic work is a reflection of my passion and dedication to my craft. I have spent countless hours honing my skills, experimenting with different mediums, and exploring various themes and styles. Through my work, I aim to evoke emotion, inspire thought, and provoke conversation. I believe that art has the power to change the world and I strive to make a meaningful impact through my creations.

As I look to the future, I plan to continue to push the boundaries of my art and to take my career to new heights. I am excited to participate in exhibitions, galleries and festivals, and to collaborate with other artists and organizations. I am also keen to explore new mediums such as digital art and virtual reality, and to experiment with new forms of audience engagement. I am confident that my passion and commitment will drive me to achieve my goals and make my mark in the art world.

mikkells is the name of the collections of artworks by the self taught artist Mike Kasongo.

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